10 Ways to use Fenugreek for massive hair growth

Why Fenugreek?
There are journal studies that have shown that compared to a placebo, people that have used fenugreek both topically and internally have significantly more hair growth than people that do not use fenugreek.
Fenugreek has a very unique nutrient profile which includes the mineral and micronutrient content needed for hair growth such as Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, bioavailable proteins and amino acids. It also releases lecithin, which is an emulsifying agent, bringing both the hydration and oil components of your routine together. Aside from the fact that you are going to get all this goodness in a tiny affordable seed, fenugreek also awakens follicles and thickens hair time and time again.
What is exciting about all these different methods of using fenugreek is that they all release a slightly different nutrient profile therefore you are going to get different benefit with each one which is an amazing way of changing things up.
- Sprouting your fenugreek Seeds
Sprouting your fenugreek seeds make the nutrients a lot more digestible, bioavailable and absorbable. The seeds can be sprouted by putting in a Ziplock with some tissue paper and allow to sprout. Different containers such as old recyclable containers, milk cartons, or even old strawberry containers can be used. Just make sure your seeds do not dry out and layer with some tissue paper. With this, you are release a whole different profile of bioavailable nutrients. You can use your sprouted seeds in your food, juices, teas, and smoothies.
- Produce Microgreens
Push your sprouting a step further! Grab your old containers, that had your strawberries or blueberries or even a tray, fill this with a bit of compost, soak your seeds for a couple of hours and thickly spread the seeds in your container. Keep it in the dark for a day or two and then put it on your window ledge. You do not need anything fancy. You don’t even need a garden to grow beautiful microgreens.
There has been so much research showing microgreens are second to none when it comes to building your nutrient profile and health. Everyone should be growing microgreens and utilising them in their diets. Microgreens contain more nutrients per gram than fully developed vegetables as microgreens are powerhouses in those early stages of growth. That is more vitamin E, B and C per gram which should be a must in your routine.
- Hair Mask
You can grab a fenugreek powder and make up a hair mask with coconut milk, aloe vera or even the CP Henna and Aloe Masque which contains fenugreek, aloe vera, slippery elm and henna which makes it really balanced and hydrating. It has an amazing slip due to the release of lecithin.
When making your hair mask make sure you apply it to the scalp as you want to increase the number of follicles in the scalp, you want the size, thickness as well as activeness of the follicles to increase as well.
- Make Teas
There are three ways that you can use your teas. Firstly, you can drink your fenugreek tea. Another interesting way of using fenugreek tea is by applying it to the hair as a rinse. After shampooing and before you go in with your moisturizing deep conditioner go ahead and rinse your hair with your tea and rinse. Follow up with your deep conditioner and leave for about 30 mins and rinse out. This substantially minimizes shedding of the hair.
5. Curl Refresher
It can also be used as a curl refresher. Put your fenugreek tea in a spritz bottle and spritz your hair from roots to ends then go in with your moisturizer and seal.
So how do I make my fenugreek tea? Easy! Just grab yourself a fist full of fenugreek seeds and pop them into a pot or a sealable container and just allow it to infuse in hot water anything from an hour up to 8 hours or overnight. Make sure you do not leave it in for too long as the fenugreek seeds will swell excessively.
6. Make Your Own Fenugreek Oil
Grab yourself an oil (1 cup), throw in a fist full of fenugreek seeds/powder and heat that in a heavy-based pan and let that heat for 15-30mins in very low heat. You can use castor oil, Olive oil or Carrot oil for infusing your fenugreek. This is going to infuse all the nutrients make it easily absorbable and therefore definitely cannot be compared with mineral oils bought in stores.
Make sure to check the Curly Proverbz DIY fenugreek oil. If you are not into DIYs then the CP Fenugreek Elixir is definitely for you.
7. Make Fenugreek Melts
Using your fenugreek oil or elixir, grab some shea butter (1 cup), coconut butter (2 tablespoons), whip it up with some coconut milk (1/2 cup) and freeze. It has such great application as it can be used as a pre-shampoo treatment or a deep conditioner. It gives great definition.
8. Use Fenugreek In Your Butter or Sealant
Grab yourself some shea butter and melt it down. Alternatively, avocado butter, mango butter or any other butter of choice can be used, however shea butter is my personal favourite as it is easy to work it and soft. Be sure to add a tablespoon or two of your favourite oil it could be coconut oil, or olive oil and cook together in low heat. Using oil makes the butter soft and very easy to apply. Whisk it all together.
9. Fenugreek Gel
If you are struggling with curl, coil and kink definition, detangling due to matting and frizzing then this is absolutely the recipe for you.
This process can be done in the same way the traditional flax gel is made. Grab yourself some fenugreek seeds 1/2 cup and 1 cup of flax seeds, add hot water 3 cups and simmer. Once slime begins to be released allow this to cool. This can be used as a leave-In, it can be mixed to your deep conditioner. An alternative way to use it can be by soaking your fenugreek seed in warm water and leave overnight. It creates a jelly-like consistency; however, this does not get as thick as the flax jell. It can also be blending and use as a paste.
10. Use In Your Meals
You can also grab your mature fenugreek from the any local store. It is called “Methi” which looks like coriander. This can be cut up and added to your food, or juices.
I hope you give these a try. Do comment below and let us know how you get on.
All our Love
Curly Proverbz and the team.
Need to know what kind of shampoo and conditioner you advice to use after using these masks.
How long do you recommend leaving the paste in? How do you recommend applying the elixir and for how long?
I absolutely love your Funegreek elixir I’m on my 2rd bottle and have seen so much growth please don’t stop making this liquid GOLD!!! But my question is will using Funegreek topically grow your breast bigger? I hope not🙏🏽
Do you have any more planners and calendars, you inspire me…
Where do i begin, i want my hair to be long again without relaxer. Im natural uses protective styles. Hydration is key for me.
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